Monday, August 20, 2007

Is This Irresponsible Journalism?

Information Week, in the August 13th print edition (August 10th online), takes the Wall Street Journal to task for publishing an article that purportedly teaches employees how to get around the rules and policies of their company's IT departments.

Here's the link to the WSJ article:

Ten Things Your IT Department Won't Tell You -

Here's the link to what Information Week had to say about it:

What do you think?


daniel said...

Cool Carl-keep posting!

Eddie Schwartz said...

In my experience, most corporate I/T security people know all this stuff already anyway. And many, many end users have been doing all this for some time. The real is educating users on ethics and appropriate behavior, and then having ways to ensure that company assets are protected (and that this protection can be verified). If Information Week is naive enough to think that the WSJ article is Pandora's Box, they are living in the dark ages.